Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pumpkin Soup (from Super Saturday)

Submitted by Sister Twelves

(serves 4 to 6)

½ lb maple sausage (my original recipe says to use chorizo … switch it out!)
1 c pureed pumpkin (I use canned and 1 c is ½ of a 15 oz can)
1 qt chicken stock or broth
½ c chopped onion
½ c chopped celery (I forgot to put it in Saturday … use it or not as you choose)
2 small apples, cored and chopped (I leave peels on)
½ c cream
Salt and pepper to taste

In your soup pot, cook sausage until done; take out and set aside. Leave 1 Tbsp drippings in pan. Sauté onion, celery, and apple until tender. I would add some salt and pepper at this point. Add stock and pumpkin. Bring to boil then drop to a simmer for 10-15 minutes. Check and correct seasonings (this means taste and add more salt / pepper if needed). Puree mixture until thick and smooth – I used a stick blender, but your food processor or regular blender will work fine. Keep a towel over any appliance openings as hot liquids tend to explode. Return to soup pot if you didn’t use a stick blender. If the soup is not as thick as you want it, add some potato flakes or minute rice and let sit for a few minutes, then puree again. Stir in cream.

Stir in the cooked, crumbled sausage and serve! On Saturday, we garnished with roasted pumpkin seeds. If you use chorizo, some chopped cilantro on top would be nice.

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