Submitted by Sister Twelves
(serves 6 to 8)
Pot 1 (the bigger pot)
2 or 3 medium red potatoes cut into dice (I leave on skins).
1 medium onion – chopped
2 or 3 stalks celery – chopped
Water to cover
Salt and pepper to taste
2 c defrosted, frozen corn or 1 can of corn, drained
Pot 2 (the smaller pot)
4 Tbsp butter (I prefer unsalted and yes, I think butter is important)
¼ c flour
1 qt milk (I used 2%, but if you want it richer, you can use whole)
Salt and pepper to taste.
In pot one, toss in your veggies and just barely cover with water. If you wanted a richer soup, I suppose you could use broth or stock; I find this recipe plenty rich without stock. Add some salt and pepper to get the veggies started. Bring to a boil and then drop to a simmer and let simmer away until veggies soft but not overcooked (maybe 15-20 minutes).
A word about potatoes: substitute any waxy potato you like (White Rose, Yukon Gold, purple) – the standard Russet (or “Idaho”) potato makes fabulous mashed or baked potatoes, but will get mushy in soup.
In the meantime, in a smaller pot, melt your butter and then whisk in the flour. Add pinch of salt and pepper and let cook over medium low heat for a couple of minutes (to get out that raw flour taste). Gradually whisk in the milk until you have a medium white sauce. Taste and correct seasonings.
Add corn to larger pot and then check and correct seasoning. I always find I need to add more salt. Stir in the entire contents of 2nd pot without draining the vegetables. Stir and serve!
This is wonderful garnished with bacon or chives.
To turn this into the best clam chowder you’ve ever had, omit the corn and drain 2 cans of minced clams over the vegetables. Set the clams aside for later. Add a bottle of clam juice if you want it more “clammy.” Add water to just cover as before (but it will be less because you have some clam juice in there). Prepare the white sauce the same way.
Then after the two pots are combined, stir in the clams. Wonderful!